Did Klaus and Carolina Ever See Each Other Again

The series finales of The Originals and The Vampire Diaries have not been kind to Caroline Forbes.

And bluntly, Caroline Forbes deserves amend.

Warning: This commodity contains major spoilers from The Originals and The Vampire Diaries. If yous've been living under a rock and haven't seen how these shows end withal, don't read whatever further!

In the serial finale of The Vampire Diaries, Stefan Salvatore sacrificed himself so that his brother could take the life and love that he'd been waiting so long for. Was this a sweet ending to his long-standing saga with Damon? Absolutely. Yet, when I look at the bigger movie, I definitely have some issues with information technology. Especially when it comes to Caroline Forbes.

Mere hours after Stefan had gotten married to Caroline (albeit in a forced ceremony), he chose to requite up his life for someone else, making Caroline a widow long earlier her fourth dimension.

Related: Dear The Vampire Diaries: A love letter to Mystic Falls

Then, in the series finale of The Originals, Klaus Mikaelson sacrificed himself to relieve his daughter! The dark magic of the Hollow was also much for Hope to handle, so Klaus took it from her. Since Klaus didn't trust himself to not turn on his loved ones (and afterwards the whole world) with information technology inside him, he took his own life to destroy the magic, once and for all.

Again, it was a cute sentiment toward his daughter and his family unit. Still, he did this only after reconnecting with Caroline, the daughter who he'd waited years for. She was left lone yet once again.

Is Klaus's betrayal the aforementioned as Stefan's? No. Klaus was certainly not Caroline'south husband, but they've always shared an of import connectedness, and it's clear that Caroline still harbors feelings for the original vampire. She may have only kissed him because of the cede he was making, merely things were still looking better than they ever had before.

It wasn't only that she felt sympathy for him. She saved the voicemail that he'd left her upon his return to New Orleans for years! It seemed like "yet long information technology takes" was finally coming to an cease, and Klaroline was going to get their happy (yet probably however tumultuous) ending, after all.

But nope. Klaus had to go be all selfless and take a stake to the heart.

Yes, Stefan spent a large portion of his life attempting to atone for the guilt he felt for forcing his brother to plow. In the stop, his sacrifice helped Damon live the human life that he'd taken from him. I do believe that Stefan's storyline and development suffered to brand room for Damon's, but I can still get behind his reasoning and accept his sacrifice

Klaus evidently wasn't going to allow his girl die at the hands of the Hollow's magic, so his sacrifice makes sense as well. He finally found a love that was worth giving up everything for. He successfully gained true immortality, but gave it up for his legacy to go along in a different way. The redemptive conclusion to his story is a good one.

Sure, I could go behind both of these sacrifices if it was only the stories of the deceased that we had to consider. Simply that's non the case. The lives of the characters in The Vampire Diaries and The Originals are then intertwined that the conclusion of one'southward story will inevitably bear on those of all the others. Considering of that fact, the death of these men permanently stain the storylines of their family unit, friends, and meaning others.

caroline forbes

I of the best threads of Caroline's storyline on The Vampire Diaries is the 1 that took her from existence the girl who never got picked, to the one anybody wanted. The minute I barbarous in love with Caroline Forbes as a grapheme was when she confessed to Bonnie with heartbreaking honesty that she was never the ane, no matter how hard she tried.

Bonnie tried to assure Caroline that it wasn't a contest, just after years of being second best to the Elena Gilberts of the earth, Caroline knew improve. Information technology was a competition, and information technology was ane that she was losing.

As a teenage human, Caroline was neurotic, uptight, and frankly, kind of mean. Her insecurities acquired her to lash out at those around her, whether they deserved information technology or not. She was horrible to her female parent, gave some "also tough" love to her friends, and behaved recklessly in romance.

When she became a vampire, everything changed. Her neuroticism could've translated to an absolute nightmare of a vampire, but instead, her preparedness and attitude actually helped her to take naturally to her new lifestyle. She gained a new conviction that calmed her insecurities and became the Caroline that we know and dear today. She beautifully blossomed from the daughter who nobody wanted into the woman that nobody in Mystic Falls could get enough of.

This Caroline is one of the best characters in the entire Mystic Falls canon. She'southward funny, violent, good, honest, and a colonnade of strength for everyone around her. She surpassed even Stefan's impossible standards of vampiric morality while still being intriguing enough to grab the middle of an original vampire who lived his immortal life fast and hard.

She held Salvatore and co. together for the last few seasons of The Vampire Diaries and connected to keep Klaus in check in the final season of The Originals. To know her is to love her, and love her they exercise.

When all is said and done, Caroline remains the final love of both Stefan Salvatore and Klaus Mikaelson. However, in the end, they both picked someone else over her. Their choices weren't bad, just they weren't her. Stefan had loved his older brother his entire life, and couldn't driblet his martyr circuitous long plenty to cope with Damon beingness the ane to take the metaphorical bullet. Klaus' daughter changed his whole life, and when all of the options exhausted, he had no selection but to save her.

My just problem is that this greatly reduces the ability of Caroline's greatest story arc. Can nosotros really say that Caroline is the girl who everyone picks if, when push actually comes to shove, she continues to be left lonely? When pretty much every character in The Vampire Diaries has put their life on the line to save Elena or to win Elena's heart, nonetheless Caroline is still left lone, can we actually claim that the Elena Gilberts of the earth aren't still winning?

Caroline deserves a beloved that volition choose her above everything else. Firstly, because she is essentially the light of all their lives, merely also because her storyline demands information technology. She deserves to be treated similar the daughter who's worth sacrificing everything for.

The ane affair that could make this all meliorate is that mayhap, Caroline actually managed to fulfill her story arc and afterward surpass it. Throughout all of her trials and tribulations, romantic woes and heavy blows, she became more than the girl who everyone wanted. She became the girl who didn't demand any of them.

Caroline is now the last vampire standing, living a jet-setting life in Europe. Okay, then she's in that location looking for a solution the inevitable Gemini "merge" that her daughters volition have to go through, just I'd be willing to bet she'due south all the same having at least a little fun.

Throughout every hardship and heartbreak, Caroline has remained potent and vibrant. Other than that 1 little fourth dimension when she turned her emotions off, she's taken things in step past using her honest and open up approach to pain and healing to her advantage.

Fifty-fifty though we haven't seen Caroline Forbes on Legacies, I'm sure the same is still true. She's out in that location being her amazing self, lighting upwards a whole new fix of surrounding people. Information technology's honestly kind of lamentable to think well-nigh, but it means that Caroline even so has a lot of life to alive and a lot of beloved to find.

So while I definitely believe that Caroline Forbes deserves better than she's gotten in The Vampire Diaries and The Originals, all hope isn't lost.

Her story isn't over, and in that location'south always the possibility that we could see her reappear on Legacies, particularly if/when the merge actually happens. Whether Caroline's story continues onscreen or off, I hope she finds a love who values her above all. This is what her character has been working toward since the very first episode of The Vampire Diaries, and for me, this office of her storyline won't be complete until she finds it. Somebody who picks her.


Source: https://www.hypable.com/caroline-forbes-deserves-better/

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